Jim Sloan & Associates, LLC

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3rd Party Articles

5 retirement planning mistakes to avoid during COVID-19

Don’t let the pandemic derail your plans for retirement These days, older workers and retirees are understandably concerned that their retirement plans will be disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn. There are concerns that pre-retirees...

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When Retirement Comes Too Early

Workplaces have grown steadily less friendly to older employees, and the pandemic has pushed more of these workers from the labor market. Joey Himelfarb estimates that in his 25 years in sales, hawking everything from Hewlett-Packard computers to cars and swimming...

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How a simple nudge can motivate workers to save for retirement

Motivating people to save for retirement isn’t easy. Fraught decisions around when to start a nest egg, how much to set aside, and where to invest can be so overwhelming that inertia often sets in. Increasingly, economists who study this paralysis have shown that...

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How COVID-19 may impact your retirement planning

The world has been in a panic since the outbreak of coronavirus, causing almost unprecedented market volatility. Some have been quick to compare this to the credit crisis of 2008 that lasted five years. Depending on the duration of the health crisis, I foresee it more...

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In Danger of Living Too Long? Welcome to “Longevity Risk”

The old line about retirement goes something like: “My problem is not that I have too little money left at the end of the month, it’s that I have too much month left at the end of the money.” For many people, though, the real issue could be having too little money for...

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COVID-19 and retirement: Impact and policy responses

COVID-19 has shaken America and the world, causing widespread social and economic upheaval. The most obvious and distressing cost is the tens of thousands of lives lost to the pandemic, but attendant costs range from shuttered businesses to an unprecedented hole in...

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Lock It In

Using Annuities to Cover Basic Living Expenses for Life The names and numbers may vary but the situation is all too common. Approaching retirement at age 65, John and Jill Smith realized their monthly income from Social Security and pensions total $700 less than their...

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Time Claims to Maximize Social Security Benefits

Know your full retirement age, coordinate the timing of benefit claims with your spouse, and weigh the advantages of delaying your Social Security benefits. Social Security benefits have long been a critical part of Americans’ retirement income plans. After all, the...

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Older Adults Can Jumpstart the Covid-19 Economic Recovery

Even in light of an all-consuming pandemic, there are some mega-trends that continue their powerful and profound impact on global society. One such trend is global aging, which has led to a reimagining and a reframing of the relationship between age and health,...

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How To Maintain Financial Health During COVID-19

With COVID-19 making headlines around the world, it’s normal to feel uncertain about many aspects of life right now, including your finances. Even if you don’t catch COVID-19, you could be financially impacted by the fallout. Throughout this tumultuous period, your...

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My Retirement Plan Is You

Americans without retirement savings are increasingly moving in with their millennial children. Sian-Pierre Regis, 35, is used to living with roommates. For the past 10 years, he has split the rent on his apartment in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan with two (in...

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5 easy ways to manage your money during COVID-19 pandemic

Right now, spending habits are changing, for better or worse. With unemployment at an all-time high and many people working from home, your budget could be totally different from usual. You may be tight on money or have a little extra cash in your pocket. Regardless...

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A Devastating Jobs Report For Older Workers

“Jobs Friday” is usually a nerdy day for financial types and economists only. But everyone was watching the most recent jobs report. I had a big drink and told my family to remember May 8. For labor economists, it will be a day to remember. For the first time, even...

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Weekly Market Commentary

May 4th, 2020 Chadd Mason, CEO The Cabana Group Can April's Rally Continue, or is More Economic Disruption on the Horizon? Equity markets finished off April with the biggest monthly gain since 1974. The huge rally followed an even bigger decline in March. Face-ripping...

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3 Ways COVID-19 May Hurt Your Retirement

Here's how the ongoing crisis could wreck your long-term plans -- and what you can do to prevent that from happening. COVID-19 has turned the U.S. economy on its head, battering the stock market and forcing millions of workers into unemployment. But while the crisis...

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Here’s Why COVID-19 Is Your Retirement Fire Drill

Dick has worked as a hospital administrator for 30-plus years. He was planning to retire in a few months. COVID-19 just delayed his plans for many months, or perhaps for years. Reflecting on what the market decline has done to his retirement savings, he conceals his...

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Here’s Why COVID-19 Is Your Retirement Fire Drill

Dick has worked as a hospital administrator for 30-plus years. He was planning to retire in a few months. COVID-19 just delayed his plans for many months, or perhaps for years. Reflecting on what the market decline has done to his retirement savings, he conceals his...

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Safety vs. Probability: Planning For Retirement

As we progress through life, we find there are certain things we can control and others we cannot. However, even with the things we can’t control, we can exercise good judgement based on facts, due diligence, historical patterns and a risk/reward calculation. These...

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7 Smart Money Moves for 2020

New federal legislation made sweeping changes in retirement plans. Here's what you need to know. The new year has brought a number of changes in financial rules affecting consumers. Many of them are in new federal legislation called the Secure Act, which mostly...

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Is retirement good for health or bad for it?

For many people, retirement is a key reward for decades of daily work—a time to relax, explore, and have fun unburdened by the daily grind. For others, though, retirement is a frustrating period marked by declining health and increasing limitations. For years,...

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Fixed vs. Fixed Indexed Annuities: What’s the Difference?

Among the various kinds of annuities, which are contracts you sign with an insurance company to pay a premium for guaranteed income later, two of the most common are fixed and fixed indexed annuities. The former offers a fixed rate of return; the latter ties your rate...

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